29 Mar 2012

11 Power Questions for Business Owners/Executives

When you are lost or confused, the best person to ask for help is sometimes yourself. Never stop asking questions. Be critical of your actions and reflect on the past. As you go about your daily business, constantly ask yourself where you can improve and how. You have the answers to your business problems; you just have to ask the right questions. To gain better focus, use these questions when reflecting on your business. They will give you direction and allow you to find the solutions within yourself.

  1. How can I serve more clients, more often, provide more value, and make more money?
  2. How can I replicate what I am doing in 10 more cities without my being there?
  3. How do I become the least important person to my daily operations?
  4. What new vision, mindset, knowledge, skills, actions and habits must I acquire to earn 5 times my income or grow my business 5 times?
  5. If my business burnt down to the ground and I wanted to start it back up, who/what would I retain or replicate…and who/what would I reject this time around?  Why am I not making such changes now?
  6. If someone were to look at buying my business, what opportunities/strengths would excite them?  What potential dangers/threats would scare them?  What weaknesses would disappoint them?
  7. If an investment group bought out my company today and were going to resell it in 2 years for substantial gains, what major things would they start to change immediately?  Why am I not making such changes now?
  8. If I could change one thing about my business/career today that would yield substantial results, what would it be?   If I could change one thing about my personal life today that would yield substantial changes, what would it be?
  9. If I had to fire myself and hire my replacement, what skill-sets would I insist upon and what would I set as his/her top 3 weekly priorities?   Then why wouldn’t I ask the same of myself now?
  10. What company resources, assets, profit centers, processes, and people are underperforming or are we simply overlooking or underutilizing?
  11. To help us focus our marketing, what group of customers do we want to be heroes to?