{"id":1980,"date":"2010-10-14T08:31:22","date_gmt":"2010-10-14T12:31:22","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/allentown-somerville\/you-can-either-spend-time-making-money-or-excuses-your-call"},"modified":"2010-10-14T08:31:22","modified_gmt":"2010-10-14T12:31:22","slug":"you-can-either-spend-time-making-money-or-excuses-your-call","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/allentown-somerville\/you-can-either-spend-time-making-money-or-excuses-your-call","title":{"rendered":"You Can Either Spend Time Making Money or Excuses \u2026 Your\u00a0Call"},"content":{"rendered":"

A recent Twitter entry<\/a> I\u00a0made sparked an idea for this Growth Coach Blog.\u00a0 I mentioned that\u00a0successful entrepreneurs take 100% responsibility for their results and won’t dare tolerate excuses<\/strong> from themselves or within their company.\u00a0 Is that true for you and your business?\u00a0 If not, here comes some tough-love business coaching<\/a>.<\/p>\n

Can you handle the truth?\u00a0 OK, here it comes … your business is where it is, how it is,\u00a0and what it is because of YOU<\/strong>.\u00a0 As the owner,\u00a0YOU are responsible for the business … all of it … the good, bad and ugly. As your virtual business coach, please own up to that fact and responsibility.\u00a0 The day you take full responsibility for your results and fully own them, that\u2019s the day your business will take off to new heights.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Please put your ego on hold and face reality.\u00a0 This is not about being right or wrong … it’s about you being more effective and getting more out of your business and life.<\/strong> Once you acknowledge and accept reality\u00a0(the truth about what is working and what is broken in your business and life), you are\u00a0then standing on solid ground … not quicksand.\u00a0 You can build, grow and progress on solid ground; you can only continue to sink and drown in quicksand. The choice is simple … truth today for a better tomorrow.\u00a0 Ready to deal in the truth?\u00a0 It will set you and your business free … free to grow and flourish.<\/p>\n

Ready to step up and take full responsibility?<\/strong> Super!\u00a0\u00a0Here are some typical Growth Coach<\/a> questions.<\/p>\n