30 Oct 2014

Don’t Be Scared of Your Business | 5 Tricks for Eliminating Fear

Have you noticed that Halloween tends to get scarier the older you get? When you’re little Halloween means putting on that princess or ghost costume, going door-to-door and getting candy. When you’re a teenager, it’s about pulling pranks as a zombie or vampire. Then, when you get older, you look for a good fright with haunted houses and scary movies.

Just remember, no matter your age, fear should never work its way into your business. Fear will cripple your ability to take action, make improvements and be successful. So if your business is the scariest thing in your life this Halloween, here’s a plan for success to help you conquer your fears:

1. Set Goals

Setting challenging but achievable and realistic goals is a great way to get your business in the right direction. Decide what benchmarks you want to meet next quarter – and next year – and determine how you’re going to measure whether or not you’ve met those goals.

2. Take Action

Look at the goals you’ve set for yourself or your business. What needs to happen in order for you to meet those goals? Do you need to prospect and network more? Do you need to create a new marketing plan? Do you need to build new business systems? Create an action plan to meet whatever goals you’ve set.

3. Monitor Results

Every few weeks you need to sit down and look at how your action plan is helping you meet your goals. What’s working? What’s not working? If you are able to meet your goal early, celebrate the success and set a new goal. If you’re not able to meet your goal this time, evaluate what you could be doing differently and make changes.

4. Make Adjustments

No great plan is set in stone from Day One. If you find that the action plan you’ve created to meet your goals just isn’t getting you any closer to those benchmarks, it’s time to make adjustments! For starters, look at your schedule and see where you’re spending your time. If you are able to free up more time by delegating lower level tasks, you can dedicate more time to meeting your goals.

5. Take Additional Action

Whether it’s reorganizing your schedule and priorities to focus more on your goals or finding ways to set-up additional meetings with potential clients, sometimes meeting your goals successfully requires taking additional action – or different actions – along the way. Look at what adjustments you decided needed to be made and then take additional action.


Maybe you’ve been successful at meeting your goals and conquering your fears or maybe you still have some work to do. Either way, setting new goals, taking action, monitoring results, making adjustments and then taking additional action will always help you make improvements.

If you’re having trouble with any or all of these steps, consider working with your local Growth Coach: https://www.thegrowthcoach.com/locator.aspx.

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