This Growth Coach business coaching blog will be quite simple. It will consist of a series of fifteen tough business coaching questions every small business owner should answer for himself/herself. Find out if you truly own a business or simply a demanding job. Be brutally honest and face your current reality ... the ways things truly are ... not how or what you wish them to be.
If yo...
It should be no secret, selling is an essential skill for higher levels of success and wealth in your personal and professional life. To advance as an owner, leader, manager, or professional, at a minimum, you have to be knowledgeable and competent in this critical communication skill.
Want to achieve a rapid increase in your revenues? Then simply get better at selling. You will experi...
Business owner, are you a hands-on technician? Do you tend to get lost in the daily, technical trenches of your business? Are you working almost exclusively "in" the business instead of "on" the business? Are you the Chief “Everything” Officer touching most, if not all, transactions, doing most tasks, and solving most problems for your company? If so, you are most likely suffering fro...
The topic of business planning is critical for your success and sanity. As important as the final plan you generate is the thinking process you must go through to create each of these plans. It is imperative for you to periodically slow down, think, and write down your plans in order to achieve clarity of direction and develop a road map to provide on-going guidance and accountability to...
As the CEO and Co-Founder of The Growth Coach, a North American business coaching franchise system, I'm always trying to feed my mind and spirit with a diet of positive and valuable information. After all, if you don't keep yourself positive, productive and motivated, who will? As an entrepreneur, like you, I’m 100% responsible for my mental state, success, and happiness. Therefore, co...
As entrepreneurs, business owners and professionals, very often we can get lost in our busyness and forget why we do what we do and what life is really all about. As B.C. Forbes warned us, “Don’t forget until too late that the business of life is not business, but living.” Let this business coach ask you, “Are you living a balanced, fulfilling, meaningful, and rich personal life?” If no...
As CEO of The Growth Coach, a business coaching franchise system, I am blessed to work with a great corporate staff and hundreds of passionate and dedicated franchise owners throughout North America. Great ideas, best practices, and wonderful coaching and accountability solutions are constantly being developed, refined, shared and exchanged. It’s a vibrant and innovative environment to ...
This Growth Coach Blog is the final installment of the Twitter Trilogy (Part III). As in the prior two blogs, I decided to leverage some of my business coaching tips and small business advice I’ve posted on Twitter the past 12 months. I reviewed hundreds and hundreds of my Twitter messages (Tweets) from and selected 40 professional coaching “sound bites” I f...
Last week’s Growth Coach Blog was well received by our readers. As promised, here is Part II of our Twitter Trilogy. As in the prior blog, I decided to leverage some of my business coaching tips and small business advice I’ve posted on Twitter the past 12 months. Twitter is a highly popular micro-blog site where your messages need to brief and to the point.
For this blog, I reviewed ...
For this Growth Coach Blog and the next two, I decided to leverage some of my business coaching tips and small business advice I’ve posted on Twitter the past 12 months.
Twitter is a highly popular micro-blog site where your messages need to brief and to the point. I reviewed hundreds and hundreds of my Twitter messages (Tweets) from our Twitter page at and ...
With the right changes in mindsets and habits, you can break free from feeling overworked, overwhelmed, frustrated or like a prisoner to your business. It’s time to fully Feed Your Dreams and Starve Your Fears.