05 Dec 2013

With the New Year just a few weeks away and the holidays fast approaching, it’s time to sit down and think about what you can do to have a great 2014. Of course working with your local Growth Coach is a great way to create a strategic plan and dedicated business systems, but here are six tips you can start with right now. De-Clutter: Take a look at your life AND your business. It’s impo...

07 Nov 2013

It’s always important to thank the members of our military for the work they do every day, but it’s especially crucial on Veterans Day. So first let us take a moment to say THANK YOU to all of our veteran franchise owners and clients as well as all our veterans through the United States. Each and every one of you is a vital part of protecting freedom in America and around the world and w...

26 Sep 2013

This weeks blog comes to us from guest blogger Gary Hartman. Gary, who has more than 10 years experience as a business and sales coach, is the CEO and Head Coach at The Growth Coach in Boulder, Colorado. Gary works with business owners, managers and sales professionals to help them grow their businesses so they earn more and work less. To learn more about Gary, visit his website at http...

04 Jul 2013

When the founding fathers wrote our freedoms into the books, they intended for everyone to have the right for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That certainly should include business owners, leaders and entrepreneurs! In honor of Independence Day, take this opportunity to stand back and take steps toward finding the freedom to be successful at work while having time for life by...

20 Jun 2013

Washington D.C. Growth Coach franchise owner Ingar Grev knows the world holds few great leaders – people who know how to turn around a company, save thousands of jobs and push a staff to the next level while creating a team focused on the future who can communicate with each other. That’s why, when Grev found himself sitting next General Motors CEO Daniel Akerson at a Naval Academy awar...

23 May 2013

  Have more clothes than closet space? Buy an armoire. Not enough cabinets for your dishes? Think about getting a baker’s rack. Books piling up on your nightstand? Maybe you need a bookshelf. It’s easy enough to look around your home, see things that need organized and take action. So why is it so hard to do when it comes to your business? I’m not talking about the papers on your ...

25 Apr 2013

The weather is getting warmer, the flowers are blooming and the neighborhood kids are getting antsy about being out of school for the summer. Summertime is the perfect opportunity to spend some quality time with your family – whether it’s a day trip to the park or a longer vacation – but if you’re a business owner, unplugging from the everyday demands of your company can be a challenge. ...

11 Apr 2013

When Dan Murphy started business coaching in 1992, it was his mission to help small business owners gain more success, personal balance, and free time.  He was passionate about helping them discover greater clarity, focus and better strategies to earn more, work less and enjoy richer lives. “Small business owners have always been my heroes,” he said. “When you help an owner and business...

28 Mar 2013

Baseball and other team sports teach us many valuable lessons. With opening day for many professional baseball teams just around the corner, it’s a perfect time to think about those lessons. How to win and lose with grace, how to be competitive and give your all to the goal, how to play by the rules and as a team; sports teach us some of the most important skills we’ll need in life. Thes...

14 Mar 2013

Katz, owner of the Baltimore Growth Coach franchise, has signed on to coach the Baltimore Ravens’ sales and marketing team. She’ll be helping the staff secure the sponsorships and develop partnerships that will enable the team to thrive next season. “My work with the Ravens’ sales and marketing team is what I call business development coaching – I help them clarify their direction and s...