{"id":1427,"date":"2021-12-14T08:00:00","date_gmt":"2021-12-14T13:00:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/bethesda-maryland\/find-your-focus-before-the-new-year"},"modified":"2022-07-13T12:52:15","modified_gmt":"2022-07-13T16:52:15","slug":"find-your-focus-before-the-new-year","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/bethesda-maryland\/find-your-focus-before-the-new-year","title":{"rendered":"Find Your Focus Before the New Year"},"content":{"rendered":"
If you look at previous December blog posts, even going back 10 years, you\u2019ll see we often talk about a lot of the same topics at this time of the year \u2013 evaluating the your goals, setting new goals, thinking about 90-day goals, celebrating your successes over the last year, etc. This year, we\u2019re going to lead with something a little different: ending the year by renewing your focus.<\/p>\n
We\u2019re talking about Focus this year because it\u2019s important to realize that, without focus, evaluating, setting goals or trying to start the new year on the right foot is an uphill battle.<\/p>\n
Before we get started, we want to clarify that we\u2019re talking about your overall focus on your business, your personal life and the balance between the two. We\u2019re not talking about turning off your email so you can tackle a big project or getting up for a glass of water when you get stuck. In this post, we\u2019re talking about the big picture.<\/p>\n
Basics: As our businesses grow and evolve, they often get more complex. Sometimes that complexity is good because it allows you to have a variety of revenue streams and to adapt, but sometimes it makes it too hard to wrap our arms around the challenges we\u2019re facing. If you\u2019re feeling overwhelmed and your business is struggling, even if it\u2019s not financially, it\u2019s time to get back to the basics<\/a>. Where did you start, what are your key products and services, and what do you need to do to build a successful future? We\u2019re not saying make a slew of tough decisions all at once, but start peeling back the layers until you find your bedrock. Having your feet firmly on that bedrock is the first step to finding your focus.<\/p>\n Step Back: Once you\u2019re back to that bedrock, it should be pretty easy to see which parts of the business are struggling and, perhaps more important, which ones stand entirely on your shoulders. As a business owner or leader, you can\u2019t be the go-to person for every project, product or service. You have to build out a team to support your company so you can focus on sustainable, responsible growth. You can\u2019t refocus your business if you\u2019re pulled in too many directions. Where are your challenges and opportunities and where can you push to keep your feet on solid ground?<\/p>\n