28 May 2015

Featured Blog: The Biggest Myth About Will Power

There’s a phrase out there you’ve probably heard, “The first step is always the hardest.” Whether you’re a new runner, a business owner, or both, this phrase holds serious weight and it all comes down to will power. If you want to make a change in your life – or your business – you have to have the will power to actually take the first step toward making things better.

Earlier this month Growth Coach Glenn Smith published a blog on exactly this topic entitled “The Biggest Myth About Will Power” and we thought you all might enjoy reading what he has to say. Glenn is the owner and CEO of The Growth Coach in Houston. Glenn was our Coach of the Year for 2011 and has received the Ursala Coates Memorial Award for his service to the Fort Bend County area. He was also the Board Chairman for the Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce for 2014.

The Biggest Myth About Will Power

When business owners and professionals decide that they need to make a change in their business or personal life, they typically try to muster up their “will power” and start implementing a new behavior. This nearly always fails!

It has been reported that approximately 95 percent of all New Year’s resolutions are broken by the end of January. Most people assume, when they fail to keep their resolution, that they did not have enough “will power.”

Does Your Will Have Power? Read more on Glenn’s blog: http://www.thegrowthcoachhouston.com/the-biggest-myth-about-will-power/.