Client Satisfaction Guarantee

Your Success is Our Success

The Growth Coach® agrees to guarantee your satisfaction with our quarterly coaching and accountability services. Our guarantee is as follows:

We guarantee the value of our coaching services. If you are not fully satisfied before leaving your initial coaching session, simply return the materials, provide your feedback, and we will promptly and respectfully give you a full refund.

To qualify for this guarantee, you must share in the responsibility of value received. What you derive from these coaching sessions will depend on what you bring to the process. We ask that you commit fully to the coaching process and go to work “on” yourself and “on” your business in each session. Your responsibilities to the coaching process are:

  • You will pay your coaching fees according to the terms agreed to by you and your coach on or before the due date. Fees include any financial commitments, testimonials, referrals, introductions, and feedback agreed to by both you and your coach at the time of enrollment. Failure to do so may jeopardize your opportunity to participate in future coaching sessions.
  • You will attend the quarterly sessions on time, stay the entire day, free yourself from outside distractions, and make a “good faith” work commitment to the coaching process.
  • You will fully complete all assessments and exercises included in your coaching sessions.
  • If you are not satisfied before leaving your initial coaching session, notify your coach, return all materials, provide your feedback, and you will promptly be given a full refund.

Set your business up for success now!

Contact The Growth Coach today at (267) 908-4227