{"id":1935,"date":"2011-08-25T09:23:58","date_gmt":"2011-08-25T13:23:58","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/greater-philadelphia\/growth-coach-challenge-stop-being-the-chief-everything-officer"},"modified":"2011-08-25T09:23:58","modified_gmt":"2011-08-25T13:23:58","slug":"growth-coach-challenge-stop-being-the-chief-everything-officer","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/greater-philadelphia\/growth-coach-challenge-stop-being-the-chief-everything-officer","title":{"rendered":"Growth Coach Challenge \u2013 Stop Being the Chief EVERYTHING Officer"},"content":{"rendered":"
Sadly, as a business coach for nearly 20 years,\u00a0 I\u2019ve seen countless small business owners<\/a> function like this restaurant owner \u2026<\/strong> the vast majority of them trying to be all things to the business and do all things for the business.\u00a0 They tend to think and act like Chief ‘Everything’ Officers \u2026<\/strong> doing it all, day in and day out without end.\u00a0 That\u2019s a sure recipe for exhaustion, business owner blues, and burn out.\u00a0 It\u2019s time to stop the insanity!<\/strong><\/p>\n As your virtual Growth Coach<\/a>, I implore all our blog readers to start thinking and acting like a real CEO (Chief Executive Officer) and stop thinking and acting like the typical, overworked and overwhelmed small business owner.\u00a0<\/strong> You cannot afford to be a slave or prisoner to your business \u2026 the price to pay is way too high on your health, sanity, family, employees, and life.\u00a0 For greater levels of success and fulfillment, you must elevate beyond the technical trenches of the business and adopt a greater vision and a more strategic mindset.\u00a0 You must stop thinking and acting like a typical employee or technician.\u00a0 You are the owner, and for your sake, start acting the part.<\/strong><\/p>\n At The Growth Coach, a North American business coaching and sales coaching franchise<\/a> system, we help several thousand clients each year (small business owners, professionals, franchisees, teams of managers, etc.) to think and act like leaders, not doers.\u00a0 To function like true CEOs<\/strong>, not like hands-on, detail-oriented technicians.\u00a0 With this Growth Coach blog, I hope to help you at least start the same transformation.\u00a0 You, your business, and your family will benefit dramatically from this face-reality, tough-love business coaching session … please continue reading.<\/strong><\/p>\n Tired of being tried?\u00a0 Tired of being overworked, overwhelmed and feeling like a prisoner to your business?\u00a0\u00a0 Ready to change?\u00a0 If so, then commit to be the Chief EXECUTIVE Officer for your business.\u00a0<\/strong> That\u2019s a whole new level of thinking and behaving with new habits.\u00a0 As CEO, for example, you need to work less IN the business and more ON the business: its purpose, direction, strategy, structure, systems, people, goals, and accountability processes. That’s what a CEO does.\u00a0 He\/she sees the whole business, not just its parts.\u00a0 They lead more, toil less.\u00a0 They see the big picture.\u00a0 You too need to have an aerial view to know honestly where your business is right now (good, bad and ugly), where you want it to go, and what action plan will help you lead your business there.\u00a0 Again, all about leadership, not just doer-ship.<\/strong><\/p>\n Put on your CEO hat.\u00a0<\/strong> Instead of shuffling papers or doing the bookkeeping, decide how to make your company different, better, more profitable and more systems-oriented.\u00a0<\/strong> Think and act like a business architect, not the bricklayer.\u00a0 Your ultimate goal is to design and shape a business that serves you and works independently from you … a business that is systems-dependent and not owner-dependent. You want to create a business that runs nearly on autopilot and spits out cash.\u00a0 The business should NOT be dependent on you to do everything \u2026<\/strong> touch every transaction, make every decision, and solve every problem.\u00a0 That\u2019s not a business, that\u2019s an impossible JOB for one person.\u00a0 You should not be stuck in the technical trenches of the business.\u00a0 Again, stop being the Chief ‘Everything’ Officer and start thinking and acting like an ‘Executive’ Officer … a real leader.<\/strong><\/p>\n As an effective leader, you need to be more strategic, long-term focused and less tactical\/technical, day-to-day fixated.<\/strong> Again, you are NOT an employee, you are the OWNER.\u00a0 If you don’t focus on the entire business, no one else will. It will just drift or run aground. So how do you stop thinking and acting like an employee or technician and start thinking like a true CEO? Here are three steps to consider seriously<\/strong>:<\/p>\n Don’t forget, to get different results, you must think and act differently. Stop doing the same old thing.\u00a0 Mix it up.\u00a0 Start to think and act like a CEO.\u00a0<\/strong> Be sure to elevate your vision, thinking and tasks.\u00a0 Stop being a Chief ‘Everything’ Officer and be more of a Chief ‘Executive’ Officer.\u00a0 If so, you will get much more out of your business and life.<\/strong><\/p>\n Click here to locate a certified business coach near you.<\/a><\/p>\n\n