{"id":1955,"date":"2011-04-07T09:02:56","date_gmt":"2011-04-07T13:02:56","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/greater-philadelphia\/the-growth-coach-challenge-is-your-smartphone-making-you-look-and-act-dumb"},"modified":"2011-04-07T09:02:56","modified_gmt":"2011-04-07T13:02:56","slug":"the-growth-coach-challenge-is-your-smartphone-making-you-look-and-act-dumb","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/greater-philadelphia\/the-growth-coach-challenge-is-your-smartphone-making-you-look-and-act-dumb","title":{"rendered":"The Growth Coach Challenge \u2026 Is Your Smartphone Making You Look and Act Dumb?"},"content":{"rendered":"

No question about it, smartphones (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, etc.) are amazing gadgets of advanced technology as well as incredibly useful and valuable tools … IF, and I stress, IF used properly<\/strong>.\u00a0 For example, I absolutely love my Samsung Galaxy S Fascinate Android smartphone from Verizon.\u00a0 But I\u2019m also well aware that it\u2019s ONLY a tool and totally up to me, the user, to manage it intelligently. It\u2019s only as smart as I allow it to be and depending on how and when I use my smartphone, it can make me more productive or look and act like a complete fool.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Are YOU being smart with your smartphone?<\/strong> Is your smartphone helping to move you toward your highest priorities and goals or away from them?\u00a0 Are you controlling this technology or is it controlling you?\u00a0 Is it more of a novel distraction or useful business tool?\u00a0 Only you can decide … after all, a smartphone is only as smart as the user\u2019s daily management.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Think about it … a smartphone is a powerful, mobile, pocket PC<\/strong> you can also use as a phone, camera, organizer\/calendar, e-mail manager, GPS, music player, mini-TV\/video viewer, web browser, instant messaging device, news source, and contact database, to name a few.\u00a0 And there are literally thousands of other personal productivity, business, and entertainment applications (apps).\u00a0 But user beware.\u00a0 There are also thousands of absolutely worthless and time-wasting apps.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Complicating the intelligent and strategic usage of a smartphone is that it\u2019s truly mobile and omnipresent.<\/strong> Unlike a PC, a smartphone is generally always with you or around you … making it too easy and convenient to always check out the beckoning mini-screen or react to the \u201cping, ding or ring\u201d of an alert notification.\u00a0 A potential source of addiction is literally attached to your hip, in your pocket, or in your purse.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Again, are you being smart with your smartphone (or your PC tablet\u00a0 for that matter)? <\/strong>It\u2019s time to look in the mirror and take The Growth Coach<\/a> Challenge \u2013 a simple 15-question test.<\/strong> You must face reality and assess how you are managing and using this tool.\u00a0 For your sake, please answer the following 15 questions with absolute honesty:<\/p>\n