A recent Twitter entry<\/a> I\u00a0made sparked an idea for this Growth Coach Blog.\u00a0 I mentioned that\u00a0successful entrepreneurs take 100% responsibility for their results and won’t dare tolerate excuses<\/strong> from themselves or within their company.\u00a0 Is that true for you and your business?\u00a0 If not, here comes some tough-love business coaching<\/a>.<\/p>\n
Ready to step up and take full responsibility?<\/strong> Super!\u00a0\u00a0Here are some typical Growth Coach<\/a> questions.<\/p>\n
Successful entrepreneurs not only accept responsibility, but they don’t tolerate excuses<\/strong>.\u00a0 They create a no-excuses zone<\/strong> around their business. Why?\u00a0 Because successful business owners and entrepreneurs know that excuses are those little lies\u00a0we tell ourselves to feel better in the moment but that do absolutely nothing positive for us.<\/p>\n
In fact, excuses\u00a0do lots of\u00a0damage.\u00a0 Excuses are those little comforting lies\u00a0struggling owners\u00a0tell themselves to\u00a0justify, rationalize, and explain away their\u00a0poor results<\/strong>. Instead of taking responsibility and correcting course, they spend precious time and energy making excuses.\u00a0 What a shame! \u00a0Be warned … excuses will keep you a prisoner to poor results.\u00a0\u00a0Believing your own excuses will prevent you from making the necessary changes\u00a0to pull yourself up and out of your problems<\/strong>.\u00a0 As we say at The Growth Coach, “You can either spend time making money or spend time making excuses.\u00a0 You can’t do both.\u00a0 The choice is yours.”<\/em><\/p>\n
Don\u2019t fall prey to\u00a0such common excuses<\/strong> as: our government is to blame;\u00a0our industry is bad; the economy is awful; our competitors are better; we’ve always done it this way; change is too tough or risky;\u00a0our customers don’t get it; there is nothing we can do; things will turn around on their own; we don’t have enough time or money to do that; etc.\u00a0 Remember, if you blame others or conditions, you give your power to make changes away to someone or something else. That\u2019s victim thinking and behavior.\u00a0 Do not give your power away!<\/strong><\/p>\n
What excuses do you and your employees use on a regular basis?\u00a0 Do you really believe them?\u00a0 Do you know with certainty that these excuses are even true? \u00a0Have these excuses helped you in any way?\u00a0 Be honest, do these excuses support\u00a0or sabotage your success?<\/strong> No doubt, they sabotage you from being more successful.\u00a0 Then isn’t it time to kill off these excuses?<\/strong><\/p>\n
Next time you or one of your employees\u00a0verbalize such an excuse, stop and ask the questions:<\/strong><\/p>\n
To have greater success in your business and satisfaction in your life<\/a>,\u00a0learn to take 100% responsibility for your results and don’t tolerate excuses, from your employees or yourself.\u00a0 Retain your power to make course corrections.<\/strong><\/p>\n
Take our “face reality” challenge, a FREE online business coaching assessment<\/a> to see the power that business coaching can have in driving success in your business and balance in your life.