{"id":1942,"date":"2011-07-07T09:43:59","date_gmt":"2011-07-07T13:43:59","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/northeast-houston\/growth-coach-challenge-confront-and-slay-your-monster-now"},"modified":"2011-07-07T09:43:59","modified_gmt":"2011-07-07T13:43:59","slug":"growth-coach-challenge-confront-and-slay-your-monster-now","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/northeast-houston\/growth-coach-challenge-confront-and-slay-your-monster-now","title":{"rendered":"Growth Coach Challenge \u2013 Confront and Slay Your Monster Now"},"content":{"rendered":"

As a business owner<\/a>, what is the one BIG THING you have been avoiding or putting off?\u00a0<\/strong> That one BIG DECISION or ACTION you are unwilling to make?\u00a0 The BIG MESS you are dodging?\u00a0 Just acknowledge one \u2026 the big, hairy, ugly, scary MONSTER<\/strong> (thing, issue, problem, confrontation, decision or mess) in your professional or personal life you are trying to deny, delay, or ignore.\u00a0 Got it?<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n

Come on \u2026 you know it\u2019s standing right there beside you at all times \u2026 you can\u2019t get away from it.\u00a0 It’s there and you know it; others know it too.\u00a0 Nobody is fooled.\u00a0<\/strong> YOU simply choose to ignore it \u2026 delay a critical decision \u2026 postpone a decisive action \u2026 procrastinate a very necessary yet uncomfortable meeting or discussion.\u00a0 As like most entrepreneurs, you simply continue on with your day-to-day business as if everything is fine and no monster exists. Guess what?\u00a0 It’s not fine. \u00a0<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n

Your MONSTER issue will not go away on its own and will always be there … only growing bigger, stronger and nastier as time goes by.\u00a0 Either decide to confront and slay your monster now or you will spend even more time, money and mental anguish down the road getting rid of the ever mounting monster mess, smell, damage, and lingering consequences.\u00a0<\/strong> A sad truth for entrepreneurs\u2026monsters NEVER go away on their own and they only get bigger, stronger, costlier, nastier, and more destructive with time.<\/p>\n

In fact, if you learn nothing else from this particular Growth Coach<\/a> blog, it should be this \u2026 it\u2019s not that you have a BIG problem (monster) that\u2019s your problem, it\u2019s that you are not confronting your problem on a timely and aggressive basis\u2026that\u2019s the real problem<\/strong> \u2026 denial, delay, delusions, and dodging.<\/p>\n

This business coaching<\/a> blog is dedicated to helping you remove the big unresolved issue, mess or dilemma from your business or life.<\/strong> As a business coach for nearly two decades, I have yet to meet a business owner, myself included, that does NOT play the occasional game of denial or delay when it comes to a BIG decision or messy matter.\u00a0 Since an entrepreneur’s entire week is usually consumed with making countless decisions, one right after another, it’s no wonder we all periodically dismiss or postpone a tougher or bigger decision.\u00a0 But at what cost to us or the company?<\/em><\/strong><\/p>\n

While you may be playing mental denial games with yourself, deep down this delayed decision or unresolved mess is eating away at you, constantly picking at your brain, causing you stress, stealing your energy, hurting your health, impacting your confidence, and continuing to cost you real money<\/strong>.\u00a0 As your virtual Growth Coach<\/a>, please bring this big decision, action or unresolved mess front and center so you can properly confront it and regain your freedom, peace of mind, health, confidence, and sanity … no longer wasting money, time, or mental energy.<\/p>\n

To slay your monsters, you must face reality and truthfully acknowledge that they exist.\u00a0 Name them and claim them.\u00a0<\/strong> Please be brutally honest when you answer the following business coaching questions.\u00a0 These questions should help you wake up and clearly see the \u201cmonster matters\u201d standing right next to you<\/strong> and breathing down your neck.\u00a0 Here it goes:<\/p>\n