Mike Williams – Your Growth Coach
Thank you for considering working with The Growth Coach of Northern Virginia. I’m Mike Williams and I know the business challenges you’re facing are frustrating – but I also know The Growth Coach’s business and sales coaching can help you thrive.
Being a Growth Coach gives me the opportunity to share my experience along with the proven Growth Coach process to the benefit of my clients and the community.
Before I launched The Growth Coach of Northern Virginia, I retired from Coca-Cola, where I held a variety of positions including account executive, business development manager, food service sales executive and on premise manager as well as distribution national sales executive. In my last role, I was responsible for millions of cases of product and managed and supported 32 food service distributors. Before that, I worked as a production supervisor, plant training supervisor, recycling coordinator and sales representative with Mobile Chemical Company (now Exxon Mobil) and I served six years in the Army. I am originally from Baltimore and I graduated Magna Cum Laude as a Distinguished Military Graduate from Morgan State University.
My 26 years of experience with Fortune 500 companies have given me a unique perspective on business management and sales. Many of the tools and much of the training available at that level can have profound benefits for small- and medium-sized businesses. Being a Growth Coach gives me the opportunity to share my experience along with the proven Growth Coach process to the benefit of my clients and the community.
I became a Growth Coach because I wanted to make a positive impact on the lives and businesses in my community. It’s inspiring to me to see business owners set goals – and then achieve those goals – and I’m looking forward to being part of that process. I want to help the business leaders in our area to get to the next level. Contact me today to see how we can work together to make that happen.