{"id":1954,"date":"2011-04-14T09:01:01","date_gmt":"2011-04-14T13:01:01","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/poconos\/growth-coach-challenge-business-owner-dont-waste-your-wake-up-calls"},"modified":"2011-04-14T09:01:01","modified_gmt":"2011-04-14T13:01:01","slug":"growth-coach-challenge-business-owner-dont-waste-your-wake-up-calls","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/poconos\/growth-coach-challenge-business-owner-dont-waste-your-wake-up-calls","title":{"rendered":"Growth Coach Challenge \u2013 Business Owner, Don\u2019t Waste Your Wake-Up Calls"},"content":{"rendered":"

Every human being, but especially overworked, overwhelmed, and overly busy entrepreneurs and small business owners, will receive numerous wake-up calls over their lifetime.\u00a0 What’s a wake-up call? <\/em> It’s that very personal, shocking, upsetting, and significant event that grabs your attention, shakes you to your core, and strongly encourages you to slow down and think.<\/strong> Twenty common wake-up calls for entrepreneurs are listed below … continue to read.<\/p>\n

A true wake-up call is too significant to be brushed off, ignored or easily forgotten. <\/strong>It gets you to reflect and question your current attitudes, beliefs, lifestyle, habits and behaviors. Such a body-blow event can make you more open and receptive to changing your ways.\u00a0 Such a jarring wake-up call demands that you stop taking loved ones, friends and your situation for granted and stop sleep-walking through life.\u00a0 It wants you to awaken! <\/strong> To be more fully engaged and enlightened at the office, home with the family, or both.<\/p>\n

No doubt about it, wake-up calls are jolting.\u00a0 They can frighten you, grab your heart, stress you out, embarrass you, knock you to your knees, humble you, and steal your peace of mind. <\/strong>God knows I have had my fair share of wake-up calls … some that blind-sided me and some I flat-out caused.\u00a0 However, I believe they all serve a real purpose if you search.\u00a0 Wake-up calls are to remind us that we are fragile human beings and that we aren’t immortal, invincible or super heroes.<\/strong><\/em> That we are far from perfect … and in fact, very much broken.\u00a0 That there is no place for arrogance in business and life.\u00a0 That life is not fair and goes way too fast.\u00a0 That tragedies happen to everyone on the planet … the good and bad, rich and poor, young and old.\u00a0 That we all make dumb mistakes we regret.\u00a0 That we get off track and lose our way from time to time.\u00a0 That certain things are beyond our control.\u00a0 That we are human beings first and foremost, not just business owners.\u00a0 That there is a God … and it\u2019s not us.<\/strong><\/em><\/p>\n

While painful, a wake-up call wishes to teach you a valuable lesson … IF you are receptive to learning and growing.<\/strong> If you aren’t open to receiving the gift of insight, it will be both painful and without any real benefit … what a shame.\u00a0 Don’t waste a valuable wake-up call.\u00a0 As a CPA and business coach <\/a>for over 25\u00a0 years, I have seen countless small business owners and professionals deal with dozens of different wake-up calls.\u00a0 Here is a small sampling of 20 of the more common wake-up calls:<\/strong><\/p>\n