{"id":1993,"date":"2010-07-22T08:55:13","date_gmt":"2010-07-22T12:55:13","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/poconos\/business-owner-hows-your-emotional-management"},"modified":"2010-07-22T08:55:13","modified_gmt":"2010-07-22T12:55:13","slug":"business-owner-hows-your-emotional-management","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.thegrowthcoach.com\/poconos\/business-owner-hows-your-emotional-management","title":{"rendered":"Business Owner, How\u2019s Your Emotional\u00a0Management?"},"content":{"rendered":"
To run a successful business, at a minimum, you need to be\u00a0effective\u00a0in multiple categories: self management<\/strong> (vision, goals, focus, priority management, personal responsibility, etc.), marketing\/sales management<\/strong> (generating leads and closing sales), operations management<\/strong> (delivering on the promises made), people management<\/strong> (recruiting, leading and holding others accountable), money management<\/strong> (cash flow and profit management), and finally, emotional management<\/strong> (confronting and overcoming any limiting beliefs, fears, uncertainties and doubts).<\/p>\n Having been a CPA for seven years and a business coach for over eighteen years, I can say with confidence that of all the categories above, emotional management is the most critical area to master as all the other areas rely on a business owner being CONFIDENT and EMOTIONALLY TOGETHER.<\/strong> An owner\u2019s steadfast vision, confidence and positive attitude are vital assets.<\/p>\n We at The Growth Coach<\/a> help several thousand small business clients each year achieve greater success and balance in their lives\u2026to work less, earn more, and enjoy richer lives.\u00a0 While we clearly help them with business management, the real value is that we help them with the emotional management as business owners.<\/strong> We provide them with additional confidence, hope, clarity, support, and accountability to stay on track and reach their goals.<\/strong> For Growth Coach clients, we help them clear their heads of negative baggage, limiting beliefs, costly assumptions, fears, uncertainties, and doubts \u2026 anything that sabotages greater success and fulfillment.\u00a0 Bottom line, as business coaches, we help our clients slay any mental dragons holding them back.<\/p>\n As a Growth Coach, I know with certainty that EVERY entrepreneur, business owner, and self-employed professional from time to time struggles with emotional management and keeping everything together.\u00a0 As you well know, running a business can be similar to riding on a roller coaster \u2026 many up\u2019s, down\u2019s, twists, and turns.\u00a0 While always exciting, owning and leading a business can take its toll. <\/strong><\/strong><\/p>\n Whether a new business owner or a veteran business owner, we ALL have FUDs (fears, uncertainties and doubts) and limiting beliefs that creep into our minds from time to time. <\/strong> For example, we may have a fear of failure or rejection.\u00a0 Possibly a limiting belief about the economy, our competitors, or even our effectiveness as a leader.\u00a0 We may feel alone or isolated.\u00a0 Or, overworked and overwhelmed.\u00a0 We may even feel like imposters or unworthy of our success.\u00a0 What are your particular fears, doubts, and limiting beliefs?<\/strong> Whatever they are, if not properly acknowledged and corrected, these \u201cdirty little secrets\u201d can hold you back and sabotage\u00a0your success … preventing\u00a0you from doing what you know\u00a0you should do when you should do it.<\/p>\n It’s not a matter of\u00a0IF you have these limiting beliefs and fears, it’s a matter of do you know<\/span> about them\u00a0(awareness) and what are\u00a0you willing\u00a0to do<\/span> about them\u00a0(response).\u00a0 In the end,\u00a0I believe the only thing that can truly hold a business owner back is themselves … specifically their FUDs, limiting beliefs, negative mindsets, and negative self\u00a0talk.<\/strong> If these negative emotions\u00a0are not properly acknowledged, examined, confronted\u00a0and neutralized (emotional management), they will prevent\u00a0owners from realizing their dreams and goals.<\/p>\n Put simply, it’s our lack of emotional management that holds us back. <\/strong>Secrets we don’t want to admit to ourselves or others.\u00a0 Secrets we may be ashamed of.\u00a0 Secrets we ignore and deny.\u00a0 Secrets that sabotage our success.\u00a0If not properly addressed, these secrets will fester, grow in intensity, and become destructive mental demons.\u00a0\u00a0 Also,\u00a0your fears, doubts, discomfort zone, and limiting beliefs will prevent you from doing the right things at the right time to get the right results<\/strong>. For example, a fear of rejection may prevent you from asking more prospects for their business.\u00a0 If not confronted, that fear will hold you\u00a0back big time!\u00a0 What negative emotions are holding you back?<\/p>\n Ready to attack your fears, doubts and limiting beliefs head on?<\/p>\n P<\/strong>lease face reality and confront your dirty and sabotaging little secrets today.<\/strong> Let your secrets out and let the healing begin.<\/p>\n\n