21 Jun 2012

Recharge your Emotional Battery

Many business owners feel overworked and overwhelmed by the challenges they face every day. They forget the importance of balancing their professional life with their personal life and as a result usually end up with a bad case of the business owner blues. You need time apart from the daily grind of your business to chase those blues away and become passionate about your business again. It takes time to recharge a battery so take some time away to recharge your own emotional battery with a summer vacation.

Taking a vacation is a great way to reacquire the passion for your business. It gives you strategic time to relax and re-energize yourself. When you take time away from your business to spend time doing the things you love with the people you love, you’ll find you’ll be much happier in the long run. Owning a business should be about fun and independence. When you’re so tied down that you can’t take even a day for yourself, you’re headed for business owner burnout. Balancing your business life with your personal life is necessary to your own happiness.

Planning a vacation may seem like a major task but remember, it doesn’t have to be extravagant. Even a mini-retreat somewhere close to home can give you time to relax and come back to your business refreshed; ready to begin anew. You need to take time for yourself. You deserve it. If you don’t set aside even a little time to relax, you’ll eventually face real burnout.

Taking a vacation doesn’t have to take a lot of money or time. Everyone can afford to take a small mini-vacation. There are things you can do without leaving your home town that can still help you relax and recharge. Try reading a book you’ve had put aside, going to a local museum or just seeing a movie. It’s summer time, why not try planting a garden or going for a swim? This is a great time of year to go for a hike and experience nature right in your own area. Why not go for a walk in the woods or go to a local lake or river and do some fishing?  Do you have any hobbies you’ve been putting off? Use this time to rediscover them. Take a day and do what you really want to do.

You need and deserve a break from the hectic world of running a business. Recharge you mind, body and soul. Plan now to take a vacation, big or small, and avoid the business owner blues in the future.

One thought on “Recharge your Emotional Battery”

  1. Agreed! What are we working for if we can’t enjoy the fruits of our labor with some down time off with our family? I’m taking the first week of July off to enjoy sunny San Diego and I’m not sure who’s more excited, me or the kids! Thanks for keeping it in perspective.

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