11 Dec 2014

When Angela Lee Duckworth presented at TED Talks Education last year, she tackled a subject prevalent not just in education, but also in business – Grit. Grit, she explained, is that perfect combination of passion and perseverance. In her research, this teacher turned psychologist could predict everything from which kids would graduate high school or win at the spelling bee to which cade...

27 Nov 2014

In honor of Thanksgiving, this Growth Coach blog is focused on the importance of giving thanks. First of all, I wish you and your family a very relaxing and blessed Thanksgiving and may you truly recognize and count your many blessings today and on a regular basis. It’s important to regularly slow down, reflect, and appreciate all the wonderful people and simple pleasures you have in you...

13 Nov 2014

When was the last time you settled for good enough? Or made the excuse that you’ve tried everything and none of it worked? Come on – let’s face it – there’s no way you could have actually tried everything, right? Sure, not every solution will be perfect for you or your business, but you can’t get comfortable with good enough. Although the economy is recovering and businesses are more st...

30 Oct 2014

Have you noticed that Halloween tends to get scarier the older you get? When you’re little Halloween means putting on that princess or ghost costume, going door-to-door and getting candy. When you’re a teenager, it’s about pulling pranks as a zombie or vampire. Then, when you get older, you look for a good fright with haunted houses and scary movies. Just remember, no matter your age, f...

18 Sep 2014

“If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” We’ve all heard that statement – especially from people who are micromanaging a situation or trying to do everything all alone. That might have worked in college when you were assigned a group project you ended up doing all by yourself, but it’s not how you should run your business! Many business owners are great technician...

05 Sep 2014

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein If you’re living with the same routine and you’re not happy with the results, it’s time for a change! Here are three tips to get you on the right track: Prioritize When you get a new email or someone comes to your office, do you drop what you’re doing to meet their needs? Do their ...

21 Aug 2014

There’s an old saying you’re probably familiar with: “If you want something done right – you have to do it yourself.” That might be sound advice for many of life’s situations, but it shouldn’t be your motto as a business owner or business leader. This week’s blog features a post written by Glenn Smith, the Owner and CEO of The Growth Coach in Houston, Texas. It’s all about the benefits ...

07 Aug 2014

“There are no magic wands, no hidden tricks, and no secret handshakes that can bring you immediate success, but with time, energy, and determination you can get there.” – Darren Rowse, founder of ProBlogger Everyone knows that building a business takes time and persistence, but it also takes effective marketing. However, most of us don’t have the luxury of starting a business with a six...