03 Oct 2014

Sure, honesty is the best policy, but when you’re talking about the business you’ve poured your life into, being honest can be tough. It’s hard to look at what you’ve built and acknowledge that some of the things you’ve implemented just aren’t working like they should. However, despite the difficulty, being honest with yourself is the only way to truly improve. This week’s blog comes to...

18 Sep 2014

“If you want something done right, you have to do it yourself.” We’ve all heard that statement – especially from people who are micromanaging a situation or trying to do everything all alone. That might have worked in college when you were assigned a group project you ended up doing all by yourself, but it’s not how you should run your business! Many business owners are great technician...

05 Sep 2014

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein If you’re living with the same routine and you’re not happy with the results, it’s time for a change! Here are three tips to get you on the right track: Prioritize When you get a new email or someone comes to your office, do you drop what you’re doing to meet their needs? Do their ...

21 Aug 2014

There’s an old saying you’re probably familiar with: “If you want something done right – you have to do it yourself.” That might be sound advice for many of life’s situations, but it shouldn’t be your motto as a business owner or business leader. This week’s blog features a post written by Glenn Smith, the Owner and CEO of The Growth Coach in Houston, Texas. It’s all about the benefits ...

07 Aug 2014

“There are no magic wands, no hidden tricks, and no secret handshakes that can bring you immediate success, but with time, energy, and determination you can get there.” – Darren Rowse, founder of ProBlogger Everyone knows that building a business takes time and persistence, but it also takes effective marketing. However, most of us don’t have the luxury of starting a business with a six...

24 Jul 2014

When a recent college grad puts together his or her first resume for the real world, it can be tough. For most people, it means finding ways to fill a page with relevant work and school experience coupled with those all-important skills lists. If you take a look at any resume – fresh out of college or not – you’ll likely find some sort of reference to proficiency in time management. Ever...

10 Jul 2014

When business owners think about their business, what do they say is their most important aspect? For many, the answer is easy: the people. But as important as great employees are to every business, many owners also say their people are their biggest headache. But why? And how can that be fixed? Our guest blog come from Gary Furr, The Growth Coach of Portland, who recently shared some g...

26 Jun 2014

For many companies, the end of June signals the end of the fiscal year. For others, it’s the halfway point of the year. Either way, it’s a great time to step back and evaluate your business. Is the way you’ve been operating your business really the best way? Are there changes you can make over the next year to improve your numbers for this time next year? If you need some inspiration to ...

12 Jun 2014

A few years ago, we posted a blog about busting through your limiting beliefs. Now that the economy seems to be back on track and entrepreneurs are growing in number every day, we thought it was time to give that idea a revamp. Whether you’re considering opening a new business, expanding your current business or even just changing jobs, you probably have some limiting beliefs. Is there ...

29 May 2014

We all know it’s impossible to be perfect. Or it would be impossible if we could even agree on what perfect meant in the business world. And yet, even if it’s secretly, most of us want to be perfect and we want our businesses to be perfect too. Here’s a Growth Coach challenge for your summer: stop trying to measure yourself and your business against the impossible measuring stick of bei...