16 Apr 2015

There’s an old adage that says: “Wisdom is knowing the right path to take. Integrity is taking it.” It’s easy to say that you have integrity and are trustworthy, but actually having integrity – and just doing the right thing for the right reasons – is something we don’t always actively think about in business. Of course you WANT to do the right thing, but it’s not always the easy choice...

16 Apr 2015

At the beginning of 2015, we challenged you to grow your business this year by writing a better future. By evaluating your progress in 2014 and being honest about your challenges, we handed you the pen to create your story for the New Year. So how is that going? The first quarter of 2015 is already over! Time is flying by and, as they say, there’s no time like the present. Don’t let yo...

19 Mar 2015

When you launched your business, you had a grand dream. You wanted to sell a particular product or service, make enough to live the lifestyle you’ve always wanted and have the freedom to do whatever you wanted with your life. So… how is that going? Launching a small business is extremely tough work and it takes time to get your company on solid ground, but after a few years, many small ...

09 Mar 2015

For this week’s blog, The Growth Coach is proud to welcome a guest post from Michael Neuendorff, our franchise owner in San Mateo, California. Michael recently shared an article on his own blog about the value of setting goals we thought our readers would find especially helpful. Here’s the post: Now you know I’m not a fan of resolutions. However, I am a fan of goals. The concrete decis...

20 Feb 2015

At The Growth Coach, our process is all about helping people find their WHY, which, for me, is a mission that’s close to my heart. I’m Judi Cogen and before I started with The Growth Coach’s corporate team, I lived the struggles that many of you face every day. Let me start at the beginning… When I graduated from Columbia Business School in the 80s, I joined a big consulting firm. I tra...

05 Feb 2015

With the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday, it’s the perfect time to look at the relationships in your life and be thankful for the positive influences in your life. If you’re a business owner, that should include examining the relationship between you and your business. As President of The Growth Coach, I want to ask you some tough, but potentially revealing, questions: As a business ...

22 Jan 2015

Starting a new year is always about new beginnings and starting fresh, but it’s been a few weeks now, so are you sticking to those resolutions? Because if you’re not planning ahead, building a business on strategy and just reacting to the changes your business faces, then you are gambling with your business. Don’t sit back and HOPE that things will change or tell yourself that THIS TOO S...

08 Jan 2015

Can you believe we’re already more than a week into 2015? What actions have you taken to write the story of your business for the year? The future of your business – and your life – all starts with you. You are the one who holds the pen and nothing will change if you don’t. Embrace this New Year as a new opportunity to do things differently. Make a resolution to improve your business and...

25 Dec 2014

Any job can get old after a while when you’re working 60 hours a week and living at the office every weekend, and anyone who has lived that life can tell you that being worn out means you’re not doing your best work. The same is true for business owners and entrepreneurs. I’m publishing this blog post on Christmas Day because I want you to ask yourself, when was the last time you took a ...

11 Dec 2014

When Angela Lee Duckworth presented at TED Talks Education last year, she tackled a subject prevalent not just in education, but also in business – Grit. Grit, she explained, is that perfect combination of passion and perseverance. In her research, this teacher turned psychologist could predict everything from which kids would graduate high school or win at the spelling bee to which cade...