02 Jan 2014

Are you the resolution type? With 2014 freshly upon us, have you made commitments to make this year better than the last? And are you going to stick to those resolutions this year or will they be abandoned by spring? All too often, making resolutions is easier said than done, but The Growth Coach would like to offer up a resolution challenge this year for those willing to step up: rathe...

19 Dec 2013

The holidays are notoriously tough for everyone, but especially so for business owners. There are busy days, days when the business is closed, times when you need to be off work, times when your employees need off and more. It’s easy to get wrapped up when you’re busy working, planning and running the business, but you have to slow down! The holidays, regardless of your religion, are a ...

05 Dec 2013

With the New Year just a few weeks away and the holidays fast approaching, it’s time to sit down and think about what you can do to have a great 2014. Of course working with your local Growth Coach is a great way to create a strategic plan and dedicated business systems, but here are six tips you can start with right now. De-Clutter: Take a look at your life AND your business. It’s impo...

21 Nov 2013

Every year when Thanksgiving rolls around, we’re inspired to look within and consider the things we should be thankful for in life and in business. But it’s also important to take the time this season as a way to consider all your hard work this year and celebrate the strides you've made, both large and small – to look back and recognize the achievements you've made, especially over the ...

07 Nov 2013

It’s always important to thank the members of our military for the work they do every day, but it’s especially crucial on Veterans Day. So first let us take a moment to say THANK YOU to all of our veteran franchise owners and clients as well as all our veterans through the United States. Each and every one of you is a vital part of protecting freedom in America and around the world and w...

24 Oct 2013

When you’re working with others – especially people who are leaders in their field – it’s important to know what kind of personality you’re facing. Even though you can’t just hand them a DISC assessment, you can still use those same principles to your advantage. A DISC assessment is a behavior test that evaluates your personality traits including:  Dominance/Drive, Inducement/Influence,...

10 Oct 2013

  Every entrepreneur has to be a good salesperson. From pitching to investors to selling your product or service, getting people to understand the value you provide is a never-ending task. Of course not every great technician or business manager is a great sales person – so what do you do? First, let’s look at how you’re selling right now: On a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being ex...

26 Sep 2013

This weeks blog comes to us from guest blogger Gary Hartman. Gary, who has more than 10 years experience as a business and sales coach, is the CEO and Head Coach at The Growth Coach in Boulder, Colorado. Gary works with business owners, managers and sales professionals to help them grow their businesses so they earn more and work less. To learn more about Gary, visit his website at http...

12 Sep 2013

Over the course of our last two Growth Coach blog posts, we’ve been looking at the T.L.C.s of successful business management – Time, Leadership and Communication. We’ve talked about how time is a truly limited resource and how successful business leaders delegate minor and de-prioritize minor tasks. We’ve also addressed that great leaders focus on ensuring that team members want to do w...

29 Aug 2013

Every business owner has their own tricks of the trade, but the essential skills they all need to master fall under T.L.C. – Time, Leadership and Communication. In our last blog post, we looked at the challenges and solutions involved with time management. We talked about the importance of identifying minor tasks and trusting others to help you manage small jobs. This week, we’re going ...