As a business owner, one of your primary jobs should be marketing. Marketing is the driving force behind acquiring the new customers and revenues that fuels your business. The more you effectively use marketing, the more customers you will inevitably draw to your business. Like fishing, the more lines you put in the water, the better your chances of getting a bite. To help, here are five...
This week's Growth Coach blog is brought to us from guest blogger Fred Kusch. Fred is a Growth Coach franchise owner from LaCrosse, WI. He provides expert, practical counsel to organizations and audiences around the globe. He offers big-picture views of how to build morale and teams, develop people and leaders and enhance life and work. Fred was named Coach of the year in 2012 by...
Professional athletes get paid big bucks to showcase their skills for a few, but important hours during the week. For example, the Superbowl is right around the corner: think about how important just those few critical hours will be for the athletes! Game days are the days that really count for athletes and earn them millions of dollars a year. The rest of their time is divided between p...
Many business owners feel the need to do everything in their business; from the smallest, most insignificant daily task to the big picture roles of acting as a leader or marketer. Trying to balance so many roles at once is not only exhausting, it’s damaging to the development of the business. The truth is, you simply can’t control everything in your business or life all the time. Learn t...
Past Mistakes
It’s natural to have a fear of failure. No one wants to fail. Striving for success against all odds is what makes entrepreneurs unique. Many entrepreneurs let that fear of failure control their actions, leading usually to inaction. Don’t be afraid to act and don’t be afraid to fail. At some point we all make mistakes, but the good new is, mistakes are lessons on how to im...
Today's blog comes Ingar Grev, a Growth Coach franchise owner from Annapolis, MD. Ingar played football for four years at Annapolis and graduated with a BS in Systems Engineering and a commission as an Ensign in the US Navy. He is a guest blogger for the BizBeat feature of The Washington Business Journal and a regular speaker for business, government, and service organizations througho...
For this week's blog we are pleased to present an article from Leslie Shreve, a colleague of Baltimore Growth Coach Susan Katz. Susan was named the 2009 Growth Coach Best Franchise in a New Market, and the 2010 Growth Coach Franchise of the Year. In addition, Susan received the 2010 Rising Star Award from the National Association of Women Business Owners Baltimore Regional Chapter and ha...
Too many business owners spend all their time and effort working in their business and not on it. The problem is that when you work in your business, you treat it like a job and yourself like a technician. As a CEO, you should not be doing the job of a technician. Technicians can be hired and replaced. Your role as a business owner is irreplaceable. Are you acting like it?
If you were ...
For this weeks blog we are pleased to welcome, once again, Coach Glenn Smith as our guest blogger. Glenn Smith is a Growth Coach Franchise Owner from the Houston/Sugar Land Texas area and is a highly regarded business coach, prolific blogger, an accomplished marketer, and has recently been recognized as “The 2011 Coach of the Year” by The Growth Coach System.
You can learn more about Gl...
Think about the last time you started a new project, learned to play an instrument or gained a new skill. Did you ever find yourself frustrated with your progress? If you decide to pick up painting, you’re bound to compare yourself to great painters and artists. When you learn a new language, of course you’re going to look at native speakers as a reference. That frustration comes because...
With the right changes in mindsets and habits, you can break free from feeling overworked, overwhelmed, frustrated or like a prisoner to your business. It’s time to fully Feed Your Dreams and Starve Your Fears.