15 Mar 2012

The Simple Things: Do Matter

It’s always a joy to read blogs written by our Franchise Owners. This week we would like to share a blog posted by Sid Mendelson, the Growth Coach in San Antonio Texas. Sid’s blog is a reminder of how just a simple Thank you and just a few questions can go a long way in building relationships. It’s an opportunity to learn more about your company and how to improve upon the services you offer. It’s another form of Appreciation Marketing, helping you build your customer and client base for a lifetime of customer loyalty.

To learn more about Sid please visit: http://www.coachsidney.com.

Yesterday was a glorious day in San Antonio with a perfectly stunning blue sky, no wind, and the temperature at 72.  I met my client for lunch and we chose to dine outside.

I noticed the restaurant owner stopping at each table with a big smile and a thank you. In addition, I overheard him ask a few simple questions: is the food prepared to your liking, did the menu have enough variety without overwhelming your senses, and finally is there anything we can do to improve your experience.

When Drew—the owner— stopped by our table, we discovered that we grew up Brooklyn, NY and could speak at least five words in Yiddish!

How often do you stop by you client’s “table” and ask similar questions? How often do you just say thank you? The more we communicate to our client’s how much we care, and how committed we are to make their experience great, the more our client’s will care back.

Most clients do not leave us for money, but they do leave us for not caring, and for forgetting simple and random acts of kindness.

The simple things do matter.

One thought on “The Simple Things: Do Matter”

  1. Informative! It’s true, communication value is an important factor to get your customers and clients on the track and the interest is in there where you can build professional relationship and a good way to keep loyal customers on your side. So much to learn from this post. Thank you for sharing this one.

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